More Information on Complaints

Self-Funded Health Benefit Plans

If you work for a large employer, your health benefit plan may not be underwritten by an insurance company. Many large employers provide health benefits for their employees through self-funded plans, although many of these employers hire insurance companies to administer the plans. Federal law exempts self-funded employer plans from state insurance regulation. This means that our office can only offer advice and will generally have no authority over such plans or their administration.

If your health benefit plan is a self-funded plan, please contact the Employee Benefits Security Administration at (866) 444-3272 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tell the person that you are from Utah and have a health claim issue.

If your complaint does not involve a self-funded health benefit plan, go return to the File A Complaint page.

Independent Review of an Adverse Benefit Determination

What is an adverse benefit determination?

An adverse benefit determination is when a health insurance carrier denies, reduces, or terminates a benefit or rescinds health insurance coverage.

What rights do I have if an adverse benefit determination happens?

You may request an appeal or independent review.

How can I find out if I qualify for an appeal or independent review?

Your policy, certificate, or plan document will contain an explanation of the rights you have if an adverse benefit determination happens or you can ask your health insurance carrier.

When can I request an appeal or independent review?

Upon receiving notification of an adverse benefit determination, you must first request an internal appeal or review by the health insurance carrier.

If the health insurance carrier upholds the initial decision, you may then submit a request for an independent review.

Who administers the independent review process?

The independent review process is administered by either the health insurance carrier or the Utah Insurance Department depending upon the type of health insurance. Contact your health insurance carrier to learn who administers the independent review process for your health insurance coverage.

If my health benefit plan’s independent review process is administered by the Utah Insurance Department, how do I request an independent review?

Click here for the Independent Review Request Form.

Print and complete the Independent Review Request Form. Submit the request and documentation to the Utah Insurance Department by:

If you are not able to access the request form by computer, we can mail the form to you. For assistance, call (801) 957-9280 for health insurance, (801) 957-9290 for life insurance, or toll-free (800) 439-3905.

What if the claim is for urgently needed care?

If the adverse benefit determination involves a medical condition that would jeopardize your life or health, an expedited review is available.

Information in addition to the Independent Review Request Form is required. The Certification of Treating Health Care Provider for Expedited Consideration of a Patient’s Independent Review page of the request form must be completed.

What if the claim is for experimental or investigational treatment?

Information in addition to the Independent Review Request Form is required. The Physician Certification for Experimental/Investigational Denials page of the request form must be completed.

How does an independent review organization apply to be placed on the commissioner’s list of approved independent review organizations?

Click here for the Independent Review Organization Application.

Gather the additional documentation listed on the Checklist page of the application. Submit the application, documentation, and fee to the Utah Insurance Department, 4315 S. 2700 W., Suite 2300, Taylorsville, UT 84129.

Who do I contact if I have a question?

Contact your health insurance carrier or contact the Utah Insurance Department by:

  • Mail: 4315 S. 2700 W., Suite 2300, Taylorsville, UT 84129
  • Email:
  • Fax: (385) 465-6047
  • Telephone: (801) 957-9280 for health insurance, (801) 957-9290 for life insurance, or toll-free (800) 439-3805