Filing instructions
General statement
The Utah Statutory provisions for filing insurance policy forms, rates, and rating plans vary by type and line of insurance. Refer to the “Filing Procedure Instructions” section included in the appropriate rules and bulletins listed below.
Filing electronically
Effective July 1, 2007, the Utah Insurance Department will only accept electronic filings. All filers, except those specifically exempted in Bulletin 2007-3, must file using SERFF.
Filing submission rules
The Interstate Insurance Compact (“Compact”): An important modernization initiative that benefits state insurance regulators, consumers, and the insurance industry. The Compact established a multi-state public entity, the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission (IIPRC) which serves as an instrumentality of the Member States. The IIPRC serves as a central point of electronic filing for certain insurance products, including life insurance, annuities, disability income and long-term care insurance to develop uniform product standards, affording a high level of protection to purchasers of asset protection insurance products. We encourage insurance companies to submit filings through the Interstate Compact.
Life content standards
Content standards are now available for insurers to use as a resource when preparing life insurance rates and forms for filing in Utah. The standards are a compilation of Utah insurance code and rule requirements for provisions in life insurance policies, annuity contracts, and credit life insurance and credit accident and health insurance policies. These standards are not intended to be all-inclusive. Insurers must refer to the specific code and rule citations for the complete references. As required by Utah Code Annotated 31A-21-201(2), the insurer is responsible for assuring that forms and rates submitted comply with Utah Insurance Code and Rules.
- Applications for Life Insurance & Annuities
- Group Annuity
- Group Credit Life & Credit Accident & Health
- Group Term Life
- Group Universal Life & Group Whole Life
- Immediate Annuity
- Individual Annuity
- Individual Variable Annuity
- Individual Variable Life Including Variable Universal Life
- Individual Term Life
- Individual Universal Life
- Individual Whole Life