Title & Escrow
“Title insurance” is the product that is purchased to protect the rights of the owner, purchaser or lienholder in the event that that there is a defect, loss or damage, unmarketability of the title, or invalidity or unenforceability of any liens or encumbrances on the property.
“Escrow” is the process of holding monetary funds by a title agency or bank for the purpose of offering or purchasing real property.
The Title and Escrow Commission is a five-person committee that was formed to facilitate the discussion of issues and solutions between the industry and the department. Committee members are appointed by the Governor and have the authority to make rules for the industry.
- Why You Need Title Insurance
- Title Agency Reports and Forms
- Title Insurers
- Title Insurer Mergers & Acquisitions
- Glossary of Title and Real Estate Terms
- Licensee Search: Look up information on a company, agency or individual agent
- Title & Escrow Commission
- Personnel Directory
When a title producer obtains a license, it will show as “active” in Licensee Search. However, even with an active license, individual title producers are not “authorized” to do title insurance business until they are affiliated with either a title agency or title insurer. A title agency must be affiliated with a title insurer in order to be “authorized.”
Contact the Division
Title Licensing
Title & Escrow Commission
TEC Meeting Minutes
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