Difference In Condition Policies
There are a couple of options available to Utah homeowners for risk exposures where it is often difficult to obtain a policy, or an endorsement to cover certain perils.
This type of policy includes multiple perils such as earthquake, flood, mudslide, and earth movement. The policies are commonly referred to as DIC policies, which means Difference in Condition.
These policies are typically written in what is referred as the specialty lines market. Specialty lines market providers (insurers) include policies written through Lloyds of London. Specialty lines market products differ from your typical home or auto policy you are familiar with. It is important you understand these differences before you decide to purchase a DIC policy. The agent assisting you with discussions on this product should be able to answer questions you have about specialty lines market products, which are also referred to as surplus lines insurance.
As in all insurance policies, it is important to understand the exclusions, exceptions, and limitations. We recommend you read and understand the policy before you buy.
It is always advisable to request a copy of the completed, signed application. Representations made in the application may impact your coverage.
These programs are available through independent insurance agents. If you are interested in learning more, check with your home or auto agent to see if he or she has access to these products.
You may also want to check with the Utah Association of Independent Insurance Agents for independent insurance agents that can assist you in learning more: http://www.iiau.org/ opens in a new tab , opens in a new tab