Adding or Terminating a Designee

Renew online at: opens in a new tab

Go to "Maintain Your Firm Association" link.

Put in the agency EIN (Tax ID) number or license number and select state Utah, then search.

Next you have three choices: Create, Maintain, and Terminate. When you are putting in the Social Security number, make sure to leave off the dashes.

Enter the individual’s last name and hit continue. You will then see the drop-down box below.

You will want to choose association as agent, unless it is the main Designated Responsible License Person; that association is for the main qualifier of the agency license. Then click "Create Association".

The next screen will ask for an association position, which can be blank and the date default to the date inputting the information. You will then click "Submit" and the transaction will charge you $3.75 at which time you click "Continue" and it takes you to the payment screen.

Each Sircon/Vertafore Transaction will cost $3.75; (this includes Creating an Association and Terminating an Association). You have to pay each time — it does not allow you to run a tally of different tasks and then pay a lump sum.

In addition, when terminating an agent for cause, the agency must report the termination to the Department if required by 31A-23a-302(4). The report must be submitted to within 15 days of the notice of termination and must include certain items.

You can review those items in R590-244-12 opens in a new tab.

For questions please contact Heidi Petermann at 801-957-9240, Option 2.