Public Records Request
SERFF Filing Access
Rates, rules, and forms that have been designated as public records are available for viewing through the NAIC System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing Access Interface (SERFF). There is no fee for using this method.
Written Request
If you do not wish to view the record electronically, you may submit a written request. The public records request must be completed prior to the release of any record. To submit a public records request, please go to, select State Agencies and click the Request Records button next to the relevant division within the Insurance Department.
Fees to access records are determined in accordance with Utah Administrative Rule R590-102. The base rate and form filing database access fee is a minimum of $45 which includes up to 30 minutes of access. Each additional 30 minutes or fraction thereof, is $45.
The requested records can be sent to you as an attachment to an email, picked up at the Department, or mailed to you. The base fee of $45 includes one DVD and additional DVDs are $2 each. If a paper copy is requested, a photocopy fee of $0.50 per page is added to the fees indicated above. Please indicate which delivery method you prefer when you submit your request.
Find out more about the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA).
Filing contact information
Health: email or (801) 957-9280
Life: email or (801) 957-9290
Property & Casualty: email or (801) 957-9305
Licensing records
Licensing records are classified as public records in Utah. Licensing records for agents, agencies, and companies are available using our Licensee Search tool.
A licensee of the Department may request a list on our List of Licensees page.